Saturday, June 27, 2009

World of Warcraft Goals for 2009

Raiding 8-11 Saturdays with Mogg on Moonglade
Arena team formed with Blood Pact
Achivements for Cirrocolo


Henrik Johansson said...

I have just realized I have to abandon raiding all together and re-formulate these goals. Raiding that early is not realistic if I expect to have people to raid with. Bleh.

Jacx said...

If Mogg was your new character, perhaps you should get that one to 80 before abandoning your raid goals? It might be autumn by then, and perhaps more people around even in the morning on the weekend :) Don't plan, play! :P

Henrik Johansson said...

Oh, I intend to play - with Mogg :) I'm gonna power level him to 80 and then we will se if I find some people that Mogg can raid with :)

I've actually heard some encouraging thoughts from other players I raid with that are sick and tired of "late night raiding" and there might actually be hope - at least for 10-man raiding. 25-man raiding I think I'm gonna have to abandon. Maybe I told you - but we did a four man Wailing Cavern and it was so much fun. We have these hardcore guild ;) "The Five Lemmings" (where I'm an officer Lemming) which we will play a lot of dungeons with on our way to 80. After that we will see. But we might try to invite 10 more, so we have a stable 10-man raiding group with reserves. The new recruits would then be given the rank of "Mice". But we will see.

But don't worry. I intend to play. :)